About History West Midlands
History West Midlands, is an independent website which provides free access to a variety of programmes and different media focussing on the history of the people of the West Midlands, their ideas, innovation and industry.
The initiative is designed for anyone who wants to know more about the region and also provides resources for students, learners and educators. All the content is reviewed by academics led by Dr Malcolm Dick and is presented in a number of formats including video features on important individuals, movements and events. Each topic will be linked to resources such as specially written features, presentations and a guide to relevant primary and secondary resources.
History West Midlands translates the historical insights and ideas generated in academic research into easily accessible formats for an increasingly interested audience. It is relevant to a wide range of people who want to learn more about their local history but do not have access to the large body of work being undertaken by academic researchers or by local historians who do not publish their work.
If you have any suggestions or would like to get involved, please Contact us.

Dr Malcolm Dick