Roland Emett's marvellous machines on show
Birmingham Museums Trust has brought together the wonderful, whimsical world of the magnificent machines created by the fertile mind of Rowland Emett in a not-to-be-missed summer exhibition at Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (BMAG).
This is the first exhibition for decades of the work of the man made famous by his wild inventions for the scientist, Caractacus Potts in the classic children’s film “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang”.
Visitors – old and young – can stand and marvel at the fertile mind that created “The Featherstone Openwork Basketweave Mark Two Gentleman’s Flying Machine” – just one of the large working kinetic sculptures in the show - as well as many of Emett’s cartoons.
Links with Birmingham
Born in London, Emett was educated at Waverley Grammar School, before studying at Birmingham School of Arts and Crafts. After Wold War II he became a well-known cartoonist for “Punch” and his sculptures were exhibited nationally and internationally.
KEYWORDS: Roland Emett, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Sally Hoban
In BMAG, Birmingham,
Dr Sally Hoban, Tim Griffiths
Thanks to:
Birmingham Museums Trust, Media Archive for Central England
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