This is the story of how the 'Peoples' Park Company saved Aston Hall & grounds
In Birmingham, Carl Chinn, Green Spaces,
James Keir (1735-1820) - A Renaissance Man of the Industrial Revolution
In Birmingham, Industry, Lunar Society,
Regency Birmingham - A history of maps continued
In Birmingham, Printing,
Late Eighteenth Century Birmingham - A history in maps
In Birmingham, Printing,
Birmingham: Its People, Its History
In Birmingham, Cadbury, Glass, Spitfire, Workshop, Art, Industry, World War 1, Soho, Steam Engine, Chamberlain, Boulton, Railway, Peaky Blinders, Cathedrals, Steam, Word, Anglo Saxons, Lunar Society, Canals, Military, Chance Brothers, Migration, Women, Great Exhibition, Enlightenment, Carl Chinn, Places to Visit, BMAG, Medieval, Malcolm Dick,
William Withering - Physician, botanist and mineralogist
In Birmingham, Lunar Society,
Reflections on the surface - Illuminating the Severn's History
In Articles
The Extraordinary Natural History Books of Samuel Galton Jnr
In Birmingham, Printing, Enlightenment,