Restoring Chamberlain’s Highbury - Tristram Hunt
Highbury was one of fhe most important political houses in late Victorian and early 20th century Britain.
This was the home of the Chamberlains - one of the leading political dynasties of the age. Here decisions were taken and policies were formulated which shaped the modern history of Britain and the world beyond.
Tristram Hunt, a patron of the Chamberlain Highbury Trust and Director of the V&A Museum, discusses the heritage of the house and the vision for Highbury as an epicentre of creative thinking about the future of Birmingham and Britain.
KEYWORDS: Highbury,Joseph Chamberlain, Neville Chamberlain, Birmingham, Victorian, V and A
In Chamberlain, Birmingham,
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A fascinating and richly illustrated book exploring speeches made in Birmingham that changed history. Meet some of Britain’s most famous orators. The book reflects the importance of oratory in making a political argument. It may in a sound-bite era be a dying art but these speeches fulfil the first requirement...
Presented by:
Tristram Hunt
Thanks to:
Tristram Hunt, Director, V&A Museum, Patron, Chamberlain Highbury Trust
Recorded By:
Sean Griffiths
Special Thanks to:
The Chamberlain Highbury Trust
Run Time:
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