Restoring Chamberlain's Highbury to the centre of Birmingham's future
The Chamberlain Highbury Trust has announced a major project to restore Highbury - The home of Birmingham's iconic mayor Joseph Chamberlain - to its role as a centre of innovative thinking and civic leadership.
The Trust has conducted extensive consultations with local communities to inform the plan it has formulated. They say that Highbury needs to become a place where people of all backgrounds, particularly young people, learn about civic leadership and governance.
Les Sparks, Chairman of the Trustees, says: 'Most importantly, we want Highbury to engage young people from all backgrounds and encourage them to take inspiration from the Chamberlain family heritage. We want them to critically reflect upon leadership in all its forms and to take their place in the future of the region and country.'
Established in 2016, The Trust plans:
- Raise funding to conserve and restore the house which requires extensive work before it is fully opened to the public
- Return the grounds to their original design
- Launch an extensive education and community engagement programme including a new interpretation centre of the history of the Chamberlain family.
A patron of the Trust, Anita Bhalla, comments: 'I think Highbury will play a leading part in re-energising young people to take a positive look at future governance; to become involved in civic life; and, to create civic leaders. It can become a place where local communities can say it (Highbury) belongs to us and we are proud of it.'
To download a copy of 'Restoring The Chamberlains' Highbury' Brochure' please click here
Keywords: Highbury, Joseph Chamberlain, Neville Chamberlain, Birmingham, Victorian, Parks
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Presented by:
Tristram Hunt
Produced by:
IDM Media
Les Sparks, Phillada Ballard and Anita Bhalla
Thanks to:
The Chamberlain Highbury Trust
Special Thanks to:
Tristram Hunt FRHistS, Director, V&A Museum, Les Sparks OBE, Chair, The Chamberlain Highbury Trust, Phillada Ballard, Trustee, The Chamberlain Highbury Trust and Anita Bhalla OBE, Patron, The Chamberlain Highbury Trust
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History West Midlands
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